Speedfriending - Keep in Touch

Speedfriending - Keep in Touch


June Theme - Keep in Touch Let’s talk about talking! More details in the thread FAQ but the idea is we'll encourage talking about a certain topic with prizes!

This event is aimed at you if you... ... Are new and looking to introduce yourself to our community! Whether you're introverted or extroverted and just want to have fun on a Saturday night!

AF - AlreadyFriends AlreadyFriends is a system in place to make sure everyone that you're paired up with is someone new! Let us know who you've already met (or don't want to meet again) and we'll do the rest. If you have registered for AlreadyFriends before, I'll have your previous matches added to the most recent list you've given me automatically but please send me any updates via the form.

We’re back on the rooftop!
We’re back on the rooftop!

When - June 24th, 4 PM - It's a Saturday afternoon this time! Address - 345 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA 02118, 14th floor

  • You can get here on the Green or Orange line!
  • 13 minute walk from Arlington or Boylston station (Green) towards South End
  • 5 minute walk from Tufts station (Orange), straight down the street

As for how speedfriending works…

  • Check in at the laptop, make sure to add your first and last name please!
    • Grab a name tag, feel free to add any extra info like pronouns if you’d like
  • Pairs will be sent in the Discord event thread
    • Feel free to ask a mod (check name tags) as we might know who to look for
  • Every 5 minutes (the first round will be a little longer to let you settle in), we’ll send out a new set of partners in the same place. There’ll be a few mods going around to notify you but if you see us moving it's probably time to start switching!
  • Have fun talking to your partner! Below we’ve prepared some questions you could use to spark conversation specific to our theme. If you DM Chris your answer to one of the starred questions, you’ll enter to win a $25 prize. Feel free as well to go into more casual topics.

Welcome to speedfriending! This event is an opportunity for us to get together and learn more about each other. For returning members, thanks for continuing to build our community. For those who are joining us for the first time, we hope that you’ll have a great time. It’s okay to be a bit nervous but remember that everyone is here because they’re also looking for friends and connections!

Call me. Beep me.”

  • Need to send a quick text, what are you using? Discord? WeChat? Messenger?
  • Do you call friends on the phone or stick to texting?*
  • Are you an emoji spammer? Have a folder of GIFs for the perfect response?
  • Be honest, how long is your response time?

“Starting out!”

  • What’s your strategy for kicking off a good conversation? Jokes? Relatable story?*
  • How soon after meeting do you send a friend or request online? Never?
  • Do you mostly look for new friends online or in person?

“Keeping up!”

  • Do you prefer one-on-one meetups? Group hangouts? Online or IRL?
  • When’s the last time you reached out to a friend to hang out? Reached out to you?*
  • How often do you contact your friends? Once a week? Day? Minute?!
  • Are you the one that reaches out first? If no, why not?

“When’s the last time you…!”

  • Called your family?
  • Met up with a friend one-on-one?
  • Hopped in a voice call with the squad?
Hi everyone!
Hi everyone!