Dance Workshop #4 - Replay by SHINee

Dance Workshop #4 - Replay by SHINee

Dance Workshop #4 - Replay by SHINee

Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the start time. Make sure to wear comfortable clothing that you can move and groove in! Fill out this form prior to the event (it is required upon check in at the dance studio):

Our star dancers JV and Jamie will be hosting a dance workshop at the Dance Complex. We will be covering

Replay by SHINee! Please note that this workshop will be taught at a faster pace this time, so it is geared towards more of an intermediate beginner level, however all skill levels can join and shouldn't be discouraged!

This song is a throwback!
This song is a throwback!

Location: The Dance Complex 536 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139

Time: Sat May 6, 2:30 PM - 4 PM

Price: $1.70 per person to cover studio costs

Payment to secure your spot is due by Sun, 5/30. After that, we will be moving onto folks on the waitlist. Please venmo @jon_vill and include your full name in the charge.